Buying a Home
What is an Affiliated Business Arrangement (ABA) and are they even legal?
An Affiliated Business Arrangement, a legal way to share profits in the real estate industry, limits consumer choice and drives up the cost of buying a house.
Read Full ArticleIs owner’s title insurance really optional?
Owner’s title insurance is optional, there is no law that requires it. But when you understand the benefits, you’ll realize that peace of mind isn’t as expensive as you might think.
Read Full ArticleALT Video
What to Expect From a Full Service Settlement Company
When you finally find the perfect home for you and your family and the seller accepts your offer, you’re not quite across the finish line. There is still plenty of work to be done. For most homebuyers, the next move is to enlist the help of a settlement company. Since buying a home isn’t something…
Read Full ArticleWhat is Owner’s Title Insurance? Do I Need It?
Owner’s title insurance offers essential protection against the unknown. Legally, it is not required, but let the buyer beware…
Read Full ArticleWhat Happens at Settlement?
If you’re in the final stretch of buying a new house, it’s still not quite time to pat yourself on the back. You’ve made it this far and are inches away from owning your dream home. Now that you’ve jumped through all of the necessary hoops and obstacles, there’s one final, significant hoop you must…
Read Full ArticleBuying or Selling a Home? This is where you’ll get ripped off.
The real estate industry is also famous for excessive junk fees and kickbacks on ancillary services. Negotiating for reduced or waived fees could save you thousands of dollars at the settlement table. Here are the fees to watch out for.
Read Full ArticleThe Current Real Estate Model Is In DANGER
There are already some big hints at the decline of the traditional real estate model in the consumer’s mind, as over 90% of consumers initiate their home search by looking at online listings. There’s no doubt that the reputation and the relevancy of the entire industry is at stake, and real estate agents and brokers are approaching the crossroads.
Read Full ArticleAvoid the end of the month for your next real estate closing
Is it better to schedule your closing at the end of the month or the beginning? There’s no monetary advantage either way, but if you avoid the last few days of the month you’ll be much more likely to have a smooth closing.
Read Full ArticleStart talking money…because I’m not really listening!
Home buyers and sellers want transparency and information from their real estate agent, not a slick sales pitch. So get the price out of the way.
Read Full ArticleCan’t swing a new house because of equity?
Can’t make a move because you have little or zero equity? You have 2 options to consider before giving up or depleting your savings to make it happen.
Read Full ArticleThe Importance of Your Credit Report
Your credit report plays a key role when you are trying to get a mortgage to buy or refinance a home. Whether your time frame is within the next six months or the next few years, it’s time to look at your credit report and address any issues.
Read Full ArticleSmaller Real Estate Agencies Are Better
When the time comes to buy or sell a home, there are many advantages to enlisting the help of a realtor. They have the education and experience in your local market, can act as buffers between you and the seller’s agent if you’re looking at a home to purchase, and can handle the negotiations and…
Read Full ArticleHomebuyer’s Bill of Rights
Buying a home has changed dramatically over the last few years … or at least it should. Because of the emergence of websites and other Internet-based tools for homebuyers, the game has changed. Today, the homebuyer truly has an ability to be in control of the process. The problem is that many of them don’t…
Read Full ArticleThe Trouble With Simultaneous Closings
There is already a lot of stress associated with selling your home and buying a new one. However, if you decide to close on both properties in the same day, you’ve just added another level of stress to the process. That’s according to Frank Dowd, a licensed title agent and the founder of Associates Land…
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